The medicine cat den is also in the oak trees that line the camp. Although the oak is larger than the other oak, inside the oak is different than the others too. The back of the oak is cracked at the top, and a small trickle of water drips down into a small pool. This pool is an easy drink for sick cats. The sides are lined with soft moss that has grown inside the tree for sometime. The sides also have small notches that are ideal for storing herbs of all kinds. The ceiling of the den has a small hole that is big enough for a cat to squeze through. This "2nd Story" acts as a den for the medicine cat only. This room has a moss covered floor and moss nests. Also, this bedroom has a hole in the ceiling and if you travel through this hole you will find yourself in a storage room which is used to store herbs. This three leveled den is one of the best places to heal sick cats by the waterfall.